THE STARSEED JOURNALS: AETHERIA consists of five parts and combines spoken word with ambient soundscapes, accompanied by vibrant visuals. It celebrates the deep connection we share with the whole Cosmos and is meant to inspire people to try meditation as a way of re-connecting with the Source within. And for those who are already on that path, SJ:A is meant to further support them on their spiritual journey towards enlightenment, serving as a reminder for the supreme beauty of existence and the liberation one can experience through transcendence.
The project reflects my personal spiritual journey and is profoundly inspired by the practice of Transcendental Meditation (taught and spread worldwide by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) and the ‘10,000 for Peace’ World Assembly, organized by the TM movement. It was developed at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Netherlands and is influenced by Maharishi’s teachings.
I wanted to encapsulate the different states that one can go through while meditating and capture the mesmerizing effect of experiencing Being in its fullness - without discernment between Light and Dark, Happy or Sad. To my understanding, the state of blissfullness is beyond any emotion or feeling, as it is a direct result of submerging in the essence of Pure Consciousness, which contains all there is. AETHERIA explores this concept, aiming to ‘translate’ via words, music and visuals the experience of being anchored in that field of unboundedness, embracing everything it contains.
STARSEED JOURNALS is a multidisciplinary format that combines sound art and storytelling to transport the listener to a very intimate, safe space. It is meant to be an audio series, capturing and channeling the essence of the human experience.
The name refers to the concept that we are made of stardust, therefore we all are starseeds. Remembering that and staying grounded in the sheer multidimensionality of existence, provides immense support, allowing us to experience our own life in its fullness, with gratitude for all nuances.
This first chapter of THE STARSEED JOURNALS is dedicated to the homecoming one experiences in the process of diving inwards. The project is inspired by the practice of Transcendental Meditation (taught and spread worldwide by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) and the ‘10,000 for Peace’ World Assembly, organized by the TM movement. It was developed at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Netherlands and is influenced by Maharishi’s teachings.
In November 2023 I joined MERU (the Global Capital of World Peace of the TM movement) in the Netherlands, where I learned Transcendental meditation. This happened right after a very difficult period of my life, a 'dark night of the soul' as one may say. At that time I knew that I need to focus on my spiritual journey and leave everything behind in order to heal rediscover and reinvent myself. So I wished to find a special place where I could feel supported in my transformation and a miracle happened - I found MERU. Becoming part of the community and practicing TM helped me deal with my grief and process a lot of trauma, accumulated throughout the years.
The idea for a project with such format had been shaping in my mind for a while, as it is a cross-junction of my skills and previous experience when it comes to music production, poetry, theatre, voiceover, singing. The topic of spirituality and the Divine Source we all come from (and all art comes from) has been prominent for me my whole life but it wasn't until 2017 that I started diving deeper in Buddhism and other Eastern practices. I was familiar with different types of meditation and ecstatic experiences but TM is nothing like what I had tried before. In addition, it was tremendously inspiring to become part of an international community of meditators, living so close to nature and experiencing life at a much slower pace than what we're used to nowadays. I wanted to capture all of that and turn it into a work of art that reminds people of the Higher realms of existence - something that I believe is vital for this day and age, in which our world is being torn apart and transformed like never before.
The title AETHERIA is a wordplay between the Greek word Aether and the name Eleftheria, with the first one referring to the fifth quintessential element and the latter meaning ‘freedom’. Moreover, according to the Ancient Vedic knowledge the fifth element (called ‘Aakash’) represents space - there where everything exists. And so I like to perceive Aether/ Aakash as the everlasting and omnipresent invisible field - a source of immersion and stratum of action for the other four elements. It contains all layers of being and represents the metaphysical plane of existence and the very ‘substance’ one dives into throughout meditation. Engaging with that field of supreme consciousness is a moment of reunion between the Divine Source and the Divine Self (beyond the human shell and form whatsoever) and thus a prerequisite for true liberation.
THE STARSEED JOURNALS: AETHERIA is meant to offer an ecstatic experience and similarly to a guided meditation, to create a sensation of inner expansion. SJ:A celebrates the deep connection we share with the whole Cosmos (the Divine Sourche of All Existence) and is meant to inspire people to try meditation as a way of re-connecting with the Source within. Our world constantly changes and if we seek to grasp and hold onto something on the outside, we’d be gone and lost. It’s on the inside, deep under the layers of thought and emotions, where we can truly anchor ourselves and remain stable and secure no matter what comes our way.
THE FIVE CHAPTERS of AETHERIA (with the number 5 again referring to the elements) represent the different aspects of the process of going inwards throughout meditation.
THE COVER ART of the project refers to the magic and the enigma of existence. On one hand, the soap bubbles which mesmerize but disappear so quickly; on the other, the observer, who is captivated and caught in the moment while enjoying their beauty and ethereal movement. Just like a meditator observes the thoughts, without following them but staying grounded and anchored instead; in addition, both the observer and the bubbles(thoughts) are 'situated' in the same substance. Everything exists together, comes and goes from the same place; everything is pure Being and pure Consciousness, whether it's part of the physical reality or of the unmanifested existence.
The thin membrane of the bubbles symbolizes the invisible
In December 2023 I got the idea to create a multidisciplinary artwork, inspired by TM, Maharishi’s teachings and the 10,000 for World Peace Assembly. On New Year’s Eve, during the celebration at Maharishi's Peace Palace, I started writing a poem - the first piece of a big puzzle called The Starseed Journals: Aetheria. And while the Assembly was going on, I was at MERU - writing, composing and singing, channeling the magnificent energy, generated in India. After laying the groundwork (which was the creative part), it was time to put everything together. The technical part took me several months, with breaks. I later on decided to create visuals in order to complete the experience.
The rest of the poetry, vocals and music production were created in January and February 2024. It took several months to put everything together, recording and editing, going back and forth, leaving the project and coming back to it.....ultimately achieving my creative vision.
When I finished the audio material, which is the crucial part of the project, I decided to create visuals to accompany the tracks and add another layer of meaning. After going through a ton of stock footage, I selected and reassembled a number of videos to translate the message of each track.
Thus, the project turned into an audio-visual experience, that hopefully pleases both the eyes and the ears, but most of all - the soul!
Written, composed, performed, recorded and mixed by Nora Mincheva ( A.K.A E0N)
Cover art by Nora Mincheva
Visuals by Nora Mincheva with footage by the creators Andre Mouton, MART PRODUCTION, Kelly, StefWithAnF, MART PRODUCTION, James Cheney, Super Lunar, ad urpina, Engin Akyurt, Colin Jones, Rostislav Uzunov, Miguel Á. Padriñán, ROMAN ODINTSOV, Dan Cristian Pădureț, _ MARROS _ , Tima Miroshnichenko, TREEDEO.ST, Peggy Anke, Mixkit, Pressmaster, 𝑅𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓈𝒽 𝑅𝑔, SaurabhKumar Singh, Thejana Shashipriya, Sosa Films, Matthias Groeneveld, Pat Whelen, Suzy Hazelwood and others;
THE STARSEED JOURNALS: AETHERIA is now available on most music platforms: CLICK TO STREAM
The first part of SJ:A serves as an introduction, referring to the liminal field between the physical realm of the ordinary/routine-based experience and the realm of the unmanifested existence (or the 'relative' and the 'absolute' as referred to by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).
We are all starseeds, we are all crystal children, we are all chosen...
Every time you turn inwards and take off the coat of your current individuality, you remember what it feels like to be One with the eternal stream of existence.
This Oneness eliminates the need for external validation or reasurance and clears the way for Truth to come and for more nobel thoughts, feelings and aspirations to resurface...
Every time we meditate, we make a choice to be present with ourselves, while simultaneously going beyond the idea of 'self'. Home is when you can open your heart in gratitude and acceptance and allow the world to offer all its bliss to you; when u raise your vibration, everything that you desire from a place of love and innocence will swiftly come your way...
Meditation helps to bring our mind and our heart closer to one another; slowly reestablishing our inner equilibrium, so that our thoughts, desires and actions align and we could lead a life in the most authentic possible way.
One way to determine how far we’ve come, regarding the above mentioned process, is to pay attention to our ability to feel and give love. In a state of bliss, our heart centre is more easily activated, allowing us to embrace and accept who we are and treat ourselves with loving kindness, compassion and understanding. The same attitude applies to those around us and the world as a whole. The ‘readiness’ to give and receive love on a deep and profound level is a proof for acquiring a more enlightened state of being. A state that however doesn't need to be permanent. Meditation makes it possible to attain this state every time that we go back to anything that is not in fact that state. Going back and forth, learning how to remain there and stabilizing the progressive force of this remarkable ‘muscle of enlightenment’ is also part of the process. Because once we learn where our home is, we’ll inevitability always find our way back to it!
It is our profound duty and privilege to experience Life. And it is this remarkable Voyage of the Blessed that every single soul is entitled to.
From the tiniest quark to the largest Supernova, everything dances to the beat of the heart of the Universe!
Meditation helps us to remember that we can always reach out and drink from the eternal Bliss that permeates the fabric of reality: calmly sitting still, while simultaneously flowing within the stream of consciousness.
From the Milky Way to our DNA - the swirling vocals of AETHERIA’s final track symbolize the sacred spiral of existence and the invisible forces that orchestrate our reality.
‘Heaven on Earth’ explores the capacity to embrace and fully hold the world in your heart. This final track ‘translates’ through sound instead of words the overwhelming ecstatic feeling of being one with the Universe. The human voice as self-expression tool of the soul, decoding how it feels to love the world in its entirety, in its horrifyingly beautiful nuances; to embrace equally both the joy and the suffering, the hope and the desperation, the violence and the mercy, the fight for power and the fight for justice... Heaven on Earth resembles the complex dramaturgy of the cosmos we are part of and how intense it can feel to be human. Heaven on Earth is not something to physically achieve, but to mentally and emotionally arrive at, via the realization that everything is intrinsically connected and each individual particle belongs with the whole - in an eternal state of blissfulness.
Welcome to Aetheria
It’s not a distant planet
neither a county
is the interdimension
where all souls reside
where all ideas meet and multiply
and where everything exists
in its pure essence
and in its very opposite
and thus in its absolute fullness
Welcome to Aetheria
Welcome back
as you never left
and you never were
anywhere but
Sweet essence of the Sublime presence
let me merge my breath with all that’s in existence
let me float within the stream of consciousness,
eternal and forever free
A crystal child
I carry light inside me
reflect it all around me
Transcend beyond my shape
and turn into a crystal lake
Reduce me to my very least
and in my tiny tiny tiny particle
I’m still impossibly enormous
for when with the whole one one is
is ever one extended and colossal…
Extract all rays from me
I’ll never run out of serum
for each new breath endows my being
with more vitality and freedom
A crystal child
I carry light inside me
reflect it all around me
Transcend beyond my shape
and turn into a crystal lake
I melt and glow
I overflow
I overflow
Wrapped in flower petals
melting in the soft embrace of blissfulness
I open my heart
and everything comes and goes with ease
My mind is tuned into the wavelength of innocence
I don’t expect, I allow
I create space and bow
to the ever-transforming face of life
I’m becoming
I become, I become
una mariposa
roaming through eternity
now, always and forever
An interdimensional being
existing in wholeness and serenity
when the ‘I’ surrenders in gratitude
and comes back home
within the pure consciousness
And you’ll come home
when your heart’s open…
And you'll come home
when your hearts open
A drop
following its path
down to the ocean
so beautiful
so crystal clean
a drop of pure love
so perfectly wholesome
A drop of pure consciousness
reflecting the sunlight
and all rainbows
that ever existed
the colours of unity
binding us all
within one cosmic molecule
There is no end
and no beginning
this drop is made of ocean
this ocean - made of drops
There is no loss
it is a game of constant winning
where energy perceives its remnant toss
as a fair share of unboundedness
with only one single barrier to cross…
We are all passengers
somewhere on our journey
the Voyage of the Blessed…
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